Graham takes commissions for stunning portrait busts, first modelling in clay and then cast in a variety of finishes, such as stone, plaster, resin or bronze. 

Above: portrait bust of Stephen Fry, in clay (left) and cast in plaster with bronze finish (right).

Above: a recent commission for a community worker from Bristol. Clay and final portrait cast in marble resin.

From life-size to half or two-thirds scale portraits, Graham models from life or from photographs.

Two-thirds scale portrait, cast with a graphite metal finish. 

Portrait study of a fisherman. Clay during modelling.

2/3rds scale bust self portrait in fired terracotta.

Lifesize bust in clay, cast in plaster.

Commission a life-sized portrait of your pet, carved in stone or cast in resin! 

Moses the brown labrador: modelled in clay and cast in resin with a cast iron metal finish.